Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Pros and Cons of Blogs in Distance Education

So, it's time to discuss the blog's place in the world of distance education.
Advantages: You can embed pictures, videos and links into the message content, which is great for posting your class assignments. It's easy to reply to a post and see all of the other replies to that post at once, which is a plus for teachers and students. And it can be set to private, so that only group/class members can post comments.
Disadvantages: Only the blog administrator can post an original comment, so it can be difficult to start a new discussion thread.
It seems like a blog is better suited for a teacher than a student, since one person is making original posts and controlling blog membership. A blog would be very useful for providing assignments, making announcements or posting lectures.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Welcome to Hober's Blog

This is the first official posting on the Hober blog. This blog will be used to discuss, opine, and rant about anything and everything in the field of Distance Education. Enjoy.